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Japan-Belgium, Artificial Intelligence serving energy transition

Japan, where a royal mission is currently taking place with 51 Walloon...

The Wallonia-Brussels delegation at the University of Osaka © WBI - AWEX

Mission to Japan: Visit to Osaka University

The academic world honours and reinforces its ties with Osaka University...

Aerospacelab, the Walloon rising-star voted scale-up of the year 2022

The company created in Mont-Saint-Guibert in 2018 by Benoît Deper has been...


Les Belges Histoires | Valérie Barkowski, a timeless nomad

Designer, stylist, decorator... While Valérie Barkowski spreads her style...

The Wallonia-Brussels delegation visiting the AIST © WBI - AWEX

Princely mission to Japan: carbon neutrality at the heart of the shared concerns

The ambitious objective of carbon neutrality by 2050, shared by Europe and...

Japan, an investor of choice in Wallonia: the Takeda example

The Belgian princely mission which took place from 2 to 10 December 2022...

Stephanie D'heygere, Jury Prize, with Venya Brykalin, Fashion director of Vogue Ukraine and President of BFA Jury © J Van Belle, WBI

Belgian Fashion Awards 2022

The Belgian Fashion Awards are an annual occasion to celebrate Belgian...

Sarah Baatout during her masterclass at the Dubai World Expo © J. Van Belle -WBI

Sarah Baatout, on her way to Mars

While some people have nice plans for a getaway, Sarah Baatout is aiming...


Les Belges Histoires | Typh Barrow, the singer who didn't like her voice

Typh Barrow knew she wanted to be a singer when she heard Stevie Wonder's...

#Walloon gems at the Kikk Festival

Kikk is in full swing in Namur. This international festival for the...

Taste the creative local cuisine of Maxime Renard

Last week, chef Maxime Renard, from Liège, took part in the SIAL...

Walloon delights labelled by Europe

The World Agri-Food Fair in Paris is a showcase of choice to promote the...

Wallonia, a logistics hub for the agri-food industry

Wallonia ticks all the boxes for a successful logistics project, as it is...

Youpea ! : the sustainable & innovative recipe of two Walloon companies as a plant-based alternative to animal protein.

Facing the major challenges and successive crises that are arising (...

Texas: WSL is supporting Wallonia's soft landing programme

WSL, represented by its General Manager Agnès Flémal, is supporting the...

The Wallonia tradition & innovation cocktail at SIAL in Paris

Wallonia is a great faithful of SIAL, the global meeting place for the...
