In a very short period, the Belgian e-commerce has grown a lot. Back in 2007, when everyone got to know about the e-commerce, the online revenue of the e-commerce in Belgium amounted 460 million euros. Five years later, in 2012, the online revenue amounted 1,4 billion euros, almost a tripling of the revenue from 2007. These numbers are clearly showing that the e-commerce in Belgium is booming right now, also in Wallonia.
Why do people love to shop online?
There are several reasons which can explain the success of e-commerce in Belgium. One of the most popular aspects of the e-commerce in our country is online shopping. A lot of people love to buy their new clothes from behind the screen of their computer. But why has online shopping become so popular the last few years?
The most important reason is probably the technology and it’s gadgets. With a smartphone or a tablet, online shopping has become so easy, even for older people. Different researches have shown that 15% to almost 20% of everyone who shops online, is using a tablet or a smartphone to visit a web shop.
Online shopping offers several advantages
Another important reason to explain the success of online shopping, are the several advantages that online shopping is offering. Some of those are free home delivery of your order, a reduction on your first order, a much larger offer than in a regular store, time saving, the possibility to use a voucher code, …
How to save money while shopping online?
In comparison with a regular store, online shopping is offering some great advantages as you have read above. But at the end of the road, you still have to pay for your purchases. But, in contrast to shopping at a regular store, there is an easy way to save money on your online purchases: the use of voucher codes.
When you Google the name of a web shop such as Zalando, Ici Paris XL, Center Parcs or another web shop followed by the key words such as ‘voucher code’ or ‘promotion code’, you will easily find a voucher code which helps you to save money. This can be an amount of money, a percentage or another advantage.