Wallonia boasts many companies who, although low-key, are overflowing with talent and are open to cooperation partnerships.
It was in this context that the companies DEKIMO & QSPIN joined forces to offer customers complete solutions through just one interlocutor.
Drone Valley is one of the links in the chain which enables its members or partners to meet other companies who, despite being geographically close, don't know each other directly.
A good example is CGEOS and its subsidiary Creative GeoSensing or ALX Systems.
The civil drones sector is currently enjoying robust growth, and creating new services is a major challenge which Wallonia intends to take on thanks to a policy of support which was concretised in a resolution unanimously accepted by the Commission for the Economy and Innovation.
This recognition of the sector is therefore a strong signal which we need to disseminate, via industry roundtables with the federations and training bodies including Technifutur or the IFAPME (Small Business training council) and FOREM (Public Employment and Training Service)
To be continued ...
For more information on Qspin, please contact Mr Jean-Marc REYNS or Bernard DUPUIS