You, who Africa watches from its distant location, but also from up close with its thousands of eyes that scrutinize you from within...
You who seem to have already given in the past, but where the impact of the first meeting was distorted by the interpretation of the colonial controversy...
You, who today, in this dawn of the 21st century, gradually reveals to the whole world so many of the unexplored and far from identified riches in this Africa so distant and yet so close, present through so much cocoa colour throughout your cities, trains and trams...
This missive is an invitation to study a relationship through a view which is not new, but is progressively seductive.
I would like to start by talking about the effect that you're having on me in 2017 and I would like you to discover the charms of a pleasant court where we'll both merge our interests and enjoy mutually interesting discussions.
Yes, I don't know much about you at the moment, but I have lived enough for nearly 27 years to look below the surface and want you to yield to my invitation for economic, cultural and artistic cooperation and more besides, in this era of emergence for Africa.
Verdant landscapes, straightforward, friendly people, from Liège and Namur which are my favourites, passing through Charleroi, Mons and Nivelles, I've learned how to tame you and appreciate this other calling card of Belgium!
Under minor perceptions compared with the frenzy of the big American world from where I came, I have discovered a custom-made culture, art and economic life which protects its profound human values.
On a traditional level, many cities have retained a strong heritage, resisting several waves of deformation rather than transformation, like Mons or Namur.
The presence of agrifood giants and international supermarkets in no way downgrades the excellent image of the showcase for organic agricultural products and food. This is why I would willingly register with the commission for the defence of the rights of the National FRITE so as to lend you a strong hand against all its competitors and soundly defeat them far away over there, at home in Africa.
A journey into the world of construction through the landscapes that offer us cities and smaller towns, reveals how the Walloon landscape is rich in construction technologies and building materials which would be glorious exports as far away as the developing countries who need them.
I could continue my seduction approach with so many real snapshots of the facets of your beauty, but I prefer to stop there.
Yes, stop to allow reason to reassert itself and lead us into a framework of mature decisions made on the analysis of our potentially mutual interests.
While waiting, I will continue to enjoy your cheerfulness and your warmth and everything this tourist showcase which would inspire me to offer you a path for potential twinning between some of your charming cities and those at home that only ask to export their surplus of sun and colourful energies into, it has to be said between friends, your slightly damp, cold world!
Looking forward to continuing to discover and explore you.
Your friend, the beautiful Africa.