The vast majority of European companies work within Europe or the European Union, but there are of course other markets on other continents that can be really interesting.
This is also the case in Peru, in fields as diverse as mining and other forms of making the most of the country's rich subsoil, fishing, agriculture in both traditional and non-traditional products (for example, non-traditional blueberries have adapted so well that Peru has become the world's leading producer).
To get started in this country, or to do import/export business with it, even if they don't know it, not only do they have access to the information made available by the local authorities and administrations, especially online, but they can also find various different sources of information and support through the various European embassies and consulates, some commercial attachés, and the permanent delegation of the European Union in Lima, 11 officially acknowledged European chambers in the country, representing 18 different European countries, grouped together in an association called EuroCámaras (https://eurocamaras.org.pe).
Belgium and Luxembourg have the CámaraCCBLP (Cámara de Comercio y Cultura de Bélgica y Luxemburgo en el Perú), or Chamber of Commerce and Culture of Belgium and Luxembourg in Peru (www.camaraccblp.com)/ (FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CCBLP), also a member of EuroCámaras (https://eurocamaras.org.pe)/(FB https://www.facebook.com/eurocamarasperu).
In the event of disputes, there is the possibility of:
- amicable settlement
- with or without the help of a conciliation centre; then there are
- the courts, some of which may be designated in contracts as the courts of jurisdiction in case of need.
- Between the two, there are also arbitration centres and conflict resolution assemblies, or Juntas de Resolución de Conflictos, which should also be mentioned and designated when drawing up commercial, industrial or other contracts, whether private or with the State. For several years now, this has been done by
- the International Arbitration Chamber of Belgium and Luxembourg in Peru or Centro International de Arbitraje Cámara de Bélgica y Luxemburgo en el Perú (www.ciacblp.com) and, as its General Secretary points out, it has successfully resolved a number of cases, including corporate cases with the Peruvian government.
- Given the success of the latter, EuroCámaras has been planning to set one up since March 2023. It has not yet opened at the time of writing.
Message from Peru
Guy Vanackeren