The jury of the Société Française de Physique/French Physics Society (SFP) has awarded the 2017 Jean-Perrin Prize to Yaël Nazé, a qualified FNRS researcher with the High-Energy Astrophysics Group (GAPHE) at Liège University. This award highlights the quality of the scientific popularisation work of this astrophysicist who studies massive stars and their interactions with their environment.
The author of ten generalist books on astronomy, the astrophysicist has devoted herself to the popularisation of science for many years and regularly offers conferences for the general public.
According to the SFP's website:
The jury of the Jean Perrin Prize was particularly sensitive to the originality of Yael's approach. Aware of the privileged place of astronomy in the popularisation of "hard" science, Yael Nazé takes advantage of the attraction astronomy has for the general public to use specific points to interest people and guide them towards other fields such as chemistry and physics, but also art, or towards the question of the place occupied by women. The jury wanted to highlight Yael Nazé's action that targets very different audiences: children, teenagers, the elderly, etc. This implies considering astronomy from different angles each time.
The influence of these activities extends well beyond Belgium. Most of the works she has written have been released by French publishers (Belin, Vuibert, CNRS Editions) and she gives many conferences for the general public in France. Yaël Nazé combines international level research work and the dissemination of knowledge for children and an inquisitive but non-specialist audience. Her particularly original approach undoubtedly deserves the Jean Perrin Prize and it is with great enthusiasm that the Société Française de Physique is awarding her its 2017 Popularisation of Science Prize.