AWEX, in collaboration with APAQ-W, launched this year the campaign "Belgian Beef - Tailor Made Meat", which aims to enhance the visibility of Belgian beef, an essential product in Wallonia!
Indeed, Wallonia has over 7,000 km2 of agricultural land on which 1.2 million cattle graze. Although there are a few foreign breeds, such as the Limousine, the Salers, the Charolaise or the Blanche d’Aquitaine, the star of Wallonia remains the Blanc Bleu Belge (BBB), which alone accounts for 80% of the cattle stock.
The many livestock farmers, who still often work as families, attach great importance to quality, service and animal welfare in harmony with biodiversity. In addition, the Walloon sector has put in place stringent hygiene procedures and benefits from optimal productivity capacity and traceability.
Unlike the practices in other countries, most Walloon livestock farms apply free-range methods, which means that the cattle spend much of their time in the meadow. This is a significant element which allows Walloon production to be described as ‘green’ since it has a smaller carbon impact than intensive rearing. But that's not all. Thanks to this grazing time, Blanc Bleu Belge beef is also of very high quality, diversified and perfectly in line with consumers’ tastes. It provides real nutritional benefits and a quality of taste that is both outstanding and varied: lean and tender or more flavoursome and marbled, depending on the gender of the animal and the fattening method.
The quality of our beef is undeniable. It is therefore already widely exported in Europe and the Walloon sector is now taking up new challenges, exporting further afield to regions of the world such as Asia, the Middle East or the Gulf countries.
Please, find all the information, the media kit and the agenda of our next actions on the major international and international trade fairs on the official website.