Interested by higher education institutions of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation ? Meet them on WB Campus'booth at the EAIE 2016 Annual Conference (European Association of International Education), which is taking place from September 13th to 18th in Liverpool, UK.
You'll find the possibility to discover the latest advancements in Education, Study, International Education and Higher Education at this primary Conference.
Conference theme: Imagine...
John Lennon had a dream of a world at peace. As international educators, we have a dream of higher education that transcends national borders, nurtures global citizens and moves us closer to freedom, equality and peace around the world. We are bringing this dream to Liverpool for the 28th Annual EAIE Conference in 2016. International education has the power to break barriers and bolster bridges. It is our duty to seek ways of harnessing this power and driving the internationalisation agenda. The EAIE Conference provides a time and space for those who share this altruistic vision of international higher education to innovate, discover, and to dream.