Within the next two years, the Louvain-la-Neuve science park will be welcoming a new business incubator destined for innovative Chinese businesses wanting to enter the European market: the China-Belgium Technology Centre (CBTC).
The project, initiated in 2010 by UCL and the WHIBI (Wuhan Hi-tech International Business Incubator), incubation pioneers in China since 1987, aims to promote innovation shared between our two countries.
This Belgium-China technology centre should comprise 73,000m2 of offices and laboratories and will extend over 20 acres along the N4. It will be visible from motorway E411. It's the ideal location for Chinese companies wishing to share their expertise with Belgium universities and businesses.
Chinese president Xi Jinping's recent visit to Belgium was an opportunity for China to confirm its investment in the order of €200 million to build this incubator. The framework agreement that has, therefore, just been signed involves the Louvain-la-Neuve science park, the company Juxing International Technology Investment (JXITI) and the China Development Bank (CDB). "Founded in 1994, CDB is a Chinese state-owned bank that finances large infrastructure and developed projects approved by central government. It has proved to be indispensable in supporting Chinese businesses abroad" says the UCL science park.
The first CBTC brick should be laid in 2015. Long term, the incubator hopes to employ no less than 1500 people (40% Chinese and 60% Belgian).
Source: Belga - l'Avenir 01/04/2014