The KIKK Festival celebrates its fifth anniversary, on 5 and 6 November. This international festival dedicated to economic and artistic innovations in the field of digital technology gathered more than 5000 people during the preceding edition, including 800 foreigners from 40 different countries and 1000 students. The long-awaited personality of this edition is without any doubt Tobias van Schneider, Art Director of Spotify.
The festival attracts every year a large public due to the free performances but above all due to the diversity of these.
This year, the festival is on the theme of folding, entitled “Fold, Unfold and Refold”. More than 20 conferences are planned, with speakers internationally known and from various backgrounds: coders, designers like for example Anton and Irene, innovators, artists like Golan Levin, or researchers.
The festival also proposes workshops like kinetic sculptures and the creation of electronic games, origami masks, or even settings and paintings combining electronics (LED) and paper.
In collaboration with the TRAKK, the KIKK sets up a “market” of innovative projects of companies and start-ups created from new alternative ways of development, such as crowdfunding. More than 20 exhibitors with innovative products like apps, hardware, software, DIY and makers are present.
In cooperation with the Smart Gastronomy Lab this time, the festival organizes for the first time a “cuisine reboot” activity, mixing gastronomy and technology. More than 10 conferences focus on the links between food, design, gastronomy, science, art and technology.
Eventually, live music, audiovisual performances, DJ sets, and Awir Leon’s concert are planned.
It is then an original program mixing technology, art and design which is offered to the visitors for this anniversary edition.