The Bureau Economique de la Province de Namur (BEP) has launched a project to create a new business park dedicated to health. Named "Care-YS" and based in Bouge, it is set to accommodate companies working in the health sector and more specifically in the fields of independent living for the elderly, sick or disabled; nutritional health and e-health.
As a result of current medical, social and digital changes, personal services have become specialised in developing products designed to ensure independence and integrated care for patients. These changes represent a wonderful opportunity to develop new economic activities with multiple variations including ergonomics, new technologies, home automation, eco-construction, natural dietary supplements, etc.
13 hectares of agricultural land along the Chaussée de Louvain, an important access road for the region, will therefore be transformed into a mixed business park to accommodate companies working in the services, craft, distribution and research sectors. For Arnaud Gavroy, Alderman for Urban Development, "We are talking of a next-generation business park."
Work is scheduled to begin in 2019 with completion set for early 2020.
Source: www.lachronique.be and RTBF