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Breathalyzer boxes from Walloon company Fline expand internationally

Founded in March 2019, Walloon start-up Fline designs breathalyzer boxes to meet a need for solutions to the dangers of drink-driving. Theses boxes are produced in a factory in Nivelles, but the head office is based in Wavres, facilitating the eco-friendly approach. After signing contracts to expand in Norway, Irland, France and the United Kingdom, Fline intends to become a brand reference in the field of prevention.

The story of Fline started after a tragic accident. “Since the loss of my grandmother because of a drunk driver, we have been aware of this problem. For example, we have noticed that some of our friends were driving again after drinking and that this could put innocent people in danger”, explain Adelin Jacques de Dixmude, one of the co-founders. To prevent further tragedies, Fline boxes were created.

Like a traditional police alcohol test, users have to blow into a cardboard pipette. The interactive screen then provides informations such as the blood alcohol level, the fine if caught driving or alternatives to driving. “The objective is to provide the public with as much of information in as little time as possible”, confides Adeline Jacques de Dixmude.


In association with Brussels Mobility, the first Fline boxes were installed in bars in the Belgian capital in 2022. Curious customers soon began to test this new concept. Following this first success, Fline made its debut at festivals such as Pukkelpop in 2024, with a system specially designed for outdoor use. 20 000 tests were carried out.

The co-founder points to the fact that existing prevention campaign are usually run twice a year.  “Thanks to the breathalyser boxes, Fline becomes a year-round symbol of prevention to re-anchor this habit in people’s minds. However, we are first and foremost a technological company that provides information on a large scale. We encourage schools or psychologists to continue raising awareness.


International expansion

After placing boxes everywhere in Belgium, Fline initally wanted to target the French market. However, in March 2024, the co-founders had the opportunity to attend an event in Madrid were road safety officials from all over Europe were gathered. The Walloon start-up managed to sign contracts in Norway, Ireland, France and the United Kingdom. As Fline’s first customers are public authorities, they can influence the box interface according to regulations and the message they wish to convey.

By 2025, sales will be split 3/4 internationally and 1/4 in Belgium. Even if the prevention of drink-driving is universal, Adelin Jacques de Dixmude points out: “Some coutries such as those in Eastern Europe are sometimes so far along the spectrum that they don’t offer any concrete solutions. Fline then becomes the first step towards cultural change. Other countries, like Norway, are more inclined to insyall the boxes and put more budget into prevention.” The start-up is currently negotiating with road safety authorities in Switzerland, Serbia, Slovenia and Portugal.


Fline is aiming high. “In the long term, we really want to create a global movement to unify the public and private sectors and to empower citizens. We have found that 7 ut of 10 people said they wanted to change their behaviour after being test. In a few years, we will be able to really see a positive evolution in the society.”

Today, the co-founders encourage any Walloon or international company to set up these boxes. Whether rented out for events of installed permanently, they represent an efficient and responsible solution. By the end of 2025, the start-up Fline, which started from scratch 3 years ago, plans to triple its sales by multiplying its international contracts.

Julie Hanssen

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