Would you like to receive a short-term student grant for post-doctoral training in the framework of excellence provided by the university network of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation? Apply by 1 May 2022!
Objective of the grant
Receive a student grant for post-doctoral study within the framework of excellence of the university network of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. The preferred fields will be transport and logistics, mechanical engineering, life sciences, agro-industry, aeronautics-space and environmental technologies. Other fields will also be considered.
Researchers from all countries with a doctoral degree from a foreign institution wanting to follow a postdoctoral programme in higher education institutions organised or subsidised by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.
Deadline for the submission of applications
Apply by 1 May 2022 for stays between October 2022 and January 2023 (arrival no later than 1 November 2022).
Submitting your application
The form can be downloaded from our website. It must be completed in .doc format and sent as a single PDF file (maximum 10 MB) by email to bourses@wbi.be by 1 May 2022 at the latest.
All inquiries and applications should be sent to: bourses@wbi.be