Would you like to receive a short-term student grant for post-doctoral training in the framework of excellence provided by the university network of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation? Apply by 1 February 2023!
Objective of the grant
This scholarship programme was set up by Wallonia-Brussels International (WBI) within a context of increased mobility and globalisation.
It welcomes researchers from all countries in support of the competitiveness clusters determined by the Marshall Plan 4.0 launched by Wallonia.
After selection, these researchers will receive a student grant for post-doctoral study within the framework of excellence of the university network of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.
The preferred areas are:
- transport and logistics
- mechanical engineering
- life sciences
- agri-industry
- aeronautics-space
- environmental technologies
- Other fields will also be considered.
Researchers from all countries with a doctoral degree from a foreign institution and wanting to follow a postdoctoral programme in higher education institutions, organised or subsidised by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.
Deadline for the submission of applications
Apply by 1 February 2023 for stays of one to three months between June 2023 and September 2023.
Submitting your application
The form can be downloaded from our website. It must be completed in.doc format and sent as a single PDF file (maximum 10 MB) by email to bourses@wbi.be by 1 February 2023 at the latest.
General selection procedure
WBI will select the applications in collaboration with all the scientific, academic and institutional partners involved in the programme.
The jury is composed of members of:
- the National Fund for Scientific Research - F.R.S.-FNRS
- the Operational Directorate General for the Economy, Employment and Research of the Wallonia Public Service (DG06)
They base their selection on the following criteria, among others:
- area related to the Marshall Plan 4.0 competitiveness clusters
- letters of recommendation attached to the form
- academic record
- interest of the research area for our universities and research centres
- scientific publications:
- career path
These criteria allow us to establish a classification in three categories A-B-C. Only applications that have been rated A by at least one of the jury members will be eligible for selection. Please note that subcategories (A- and A+) will be created within the A category.
In principle, the decision will be made by 1 May 2023 at the latest.
Financial terms:
- Monthly amount: 2,120 euros covering living expenses, accommodation, educational materials and travel expenses within the country
- WBI will cover the cost of international travel (one round trip for the duration of the programme)
- WBI will provide health insurance for non-EU scholarship-winners.
All information requests and applications should be sent to: bourses@wbi.be