After winning the contract to create the website for the largest science museum in the western world, the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, the Namur company, Dogstudio has been appointed to create an experience website as part of the centenary of John F. Kennedy's birth.
"What an honour to have been chosen, and what a wonderful new project", said Nicolas Moies-Delval, Account Director at Dogstudio, returning from a quick two-day trip to Washington. "I want to thank Bernard Geenen, ECC for the Wallonia Export-Investment Agency in Washington, for his valuable assistance during our visit last May. It is due to this trip (and his support) that we have been able to sign this contract, which is both exciting and incredible for a Namur digital agency."
As a result of this good news, the Namur company plans to open an office in Chicago in early 2017.
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