The Belgian pavilion has been awarded for design, sustainable building and alternative food production methods. Designed by the architect Patrick Genard from Namur, the pavilion is based on an innovative urbanist concept promoting biodiversity, in the centre of the city. More than 50 walloon companies participated in the buiding and fitting out of the pavilion.
The Belgian pavilion received a special Distinction in the Category « Design and Materials of the building», especially for the renewable energy systems such as photovoltaic solar panels, wind turbine, heath pumps and sewage treatment. It was also awarded for “Other Special Initiatives” with the alternative food production methods of the city of the Future: Hydroponics, Acquaponics and insects.
The award ceremony, organized by the Italian Government and Expo Milano 2015, was leaded by the Official Panel: the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Gian Luca Galletti, the Commissioner of Expo Milan 2015 and CEO of Expo 2015 SpA, Giuseppe Sala and the Acting Director, Regional Office for Europe of UNEP, Jan Dusik. With the aim of providing a positive legacy of this Universal Exposition of Milano 2015, the Italian Ministry of the Environment fostered the Participants towards the adoption and diffusion of sustainable solutions and best practices.
As a reminder, the guidelines edited by the organizers of Expo Milano about the construction of the pavilions consist mainly of rules and advices to stimulate the Participants to carry out projects in linewith sustainable principles.
The Belgian Pavilion was built by Patrick Genard & Asociados architect bureau, with the collaboration of the architect Marc Belderbos and the entrepreneur Besix – Vanhout.
The willingness to integrate the concept of durability in all the architectural choices has made the pavilion a coherent, eco-sustainable building. Its eco-sustainable features focus on three important aspects of the building's function; firstly, its limited energy use, secondly its water management, and finally the use of natural, recyclable materials. An opportunity to enhance the knowhow of Belgium in terms of quality building, design and technological innovation.
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