February is here and Spring is being heralded all over the world.
Ireland has St Brigid's day on 1 February. On 2nd February some parts of North America have Ground Hog day but did you know that in Western & Southern Europe and South America, it is Candlemas day?
Candlemas Day is celebrated in Wallonia by making, eating and enjoying pancakes. As an English person, this confused me. We have our Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.
Candlemas Day represents the day that Jesus was presented to the Temple. According to Natalie Collet, the pancake tradition part dates back to the 5th century when Pope Gelasius I started a candlelit procession to mark the day and gave pilgrims to Rome savoury pancakes, source: https://frenchlibrary.org/2020/01/28/blog-la-chandeleur-2020/
I also found, whilst doing some extra reading, that there is a superstition where you catch the pancake, after tossing it in the pan, with your right hand. At the same time you have to keep hold of a gold coin in your left hand. Success would mean that you would become rich that year. I will give this a try and report back. A very Happy Candlemas or Joyeuse Chandeleur to all!
Mary Leen Hagger