I had the opportunity to meet the founders of "Animal Search" for a demonstration and explanations.
This is a totally FREE app for citizens and its success is growing. Although very new (2022 PREMIUM) in Wallonia and Brussels, its success has also taken it to France. It is available in stores and in six different languages.
It is very easy to use; just let the app guide you like a young child, providing the information requested if you have it. And if you don't... Don't worry, continue your tour on the app.
The app lets you use your smartphone to report your missing, lost, escaped or stolen pet or a stray animal you come across on the road, or one that has been mistreated, for example, "link to official authorities".
As soon as you have finished, the information is passed on to the official organisations in charge of lost animals, animals in distress, animal protection societies, shelters, non-profit organisations working in this field, etc. This platform centralises and connects public services, animal welfare professionals and citizens, depending on the animal's condition and species. It's simply brilliant!
The Animal Search association, which shares the same name as the app, only operates thanks to grants and cooperation partnerships with towns, cities and animal lovers.
Its Chair: Benjamin Luppolo
Its website: www.animal-search.be
Its email: info@animal-search.be
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnimalSearchAPP
Its postal address: Rue Eudore Davio 33, 4100 Seraing - Belgium
Association telephone number: +32 (0) 497/11.40.45
A Walloon and Brussels initiative that will make the headlines!
Victoria B. Lohay
Ambassadrice Wallonia.be
Tél.:+32 (0) 470.688.302