According to a study by PwC, commissioned by the Flemish Institute for Logistics (VIL), Wallonia is ranked in 3rd place in the ranking of the most attractive regions for e-commerce distribution centres. Wallonia is the best ranked region in Belgium, with Flanders and Brussels occupying 6th and 9th place respectively.
This study focused on 44 regions in the following six European countries: Germany, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and the Netherlands.
In addition to being the best ranked Belgian region, Wallonia obtained better results than Dutch and some German regions. The first two places are held by German territories: Rheinland-Palatinate and Saarland.
According to PwC's study, Wallonia's good rating is explained, in particular, by the good evaluations obtained for certain factors which are key for the logistics sector. For some of them, Wallonia even obtained better results than the regions in the Top 6. This is the case, for example, for the price and the availability of land destined for logistics, but also the price of warehouse rentals. Wallonia also distinguishes itself in other areas, such as workforce availability.