Last December, the Liège Metropolis has presented its brand new signature: « LIÈGETOGETHER » (Liège get together), based on the affirmation of its three main characteristics: open-minded, creative and connected. This project stems from the fantastic dynamic and enthusiasm initiated during the candidacy “Liège Expo 2017”.
An ambitious agenda has been set up and the first gathering organized under this new branding is the International symposium “LIEGE ICT DAY” which will take place in Liège on the 28th of March 2014 (Halles des Foires of Liège).
All concerned by ICT: Issues and trends for a better tomorrow
ICT (Information and Communications Technology) transforms our lives and raises fundamental questions for the economic world, education and the management of towns and cities. Intelligent and interconnected devices, data and knowledge at our fingertips…each of these changes the way we live our daily lives. The LIEGE ICT DAY aims to offer solutions that will allow each of us to adapt appropriately to technology rather than suffer because of it…for a better tomorrow.
More information : www.liegetogether.be/ICTDAY
Access : 50€ (free entrance for students and under 25 years old)
Registration compulsory before 14 March 2014