A touch of madness to end my first day at KIKK. What do I mean a touch? This guy is completely insane!
His name is Mr Bingo because he won £141 at the Bingo. This is an almost insignificant detail but it illustrates the fact that a small thing can have "big" consequences.
He explained that he likes postcards. And that he hates Martin Olley, who once criticised his work. It has become like a passion to attach thinly or not-so-thinly veiled references about his aversion to these postcards. That's if we consider "Fuck you, Martin Olley" to be explicit.
Another detail that has changed history (with a small "h" as it just refers to his history) is that he was bored one evening and posted a message that marked a turning point in his life: he offered to send a postcard with an insult on it to the first person to comment on his tweet. He had thousands of retweets and that gave him another idea... to make that his job. And he likes that. He even loves it.
Another day, he decided to make a book. And thus to raise money. He watched crowdfunding videos and found that they all had something in common, namely they were all crap. As he wanted to stand out, he decided to make a rap. He carefully chose his beat, asked the author for permission to use it and spent three weeks writing the text with a dictionary of rhymes. He offered a reward to anyone who donated to his project. Once again: from an insulting postcard to showing himself pissed on a train. And guess what... It worked like a charm.
In short, a guy who is completely mad, indescribable (although I've tried) and doing what he loves. And he is right.
I forgot to end with, "Fuck you, Martin Olley!"