The founder and creative director of Base Design gave a short lesson in creative management. In brief, he described a working environment that is ideal for both creatives and managers. A world in which creatives are not thought of as carefree children incapable of keeping to a schedule and managers are not considered as boring and stress-inducing. In short, a la la land?
Maybe not. This is the world that he says he built at Base Design, where previously chaos had reigned, where people ate in front of their computer after 10 pm and the keyword was "stress"! His magic formulae? Let me try and explain. Outside of group therapy, I mean.
He began by interviewing each member of the team, from the secretary to the project manager. The same desires kept being expressed: to constantly learn, to "own" their projects (or at least have a share in the responsibility) and to work as a team. Less, but better.
He brought creativity closer to management, as creatives are adults capable of managing themselves and managers are capable of having ideas. Both "camps" have the same aims, namely to satisfy the client and complete the project.
It is also important to be able to say no, even if that seems obvious; it avoids frustration (because deadlines are not respected, for example) and results in greater understanding and respect. When we explain why it is impossible, others have a better idea of what our work involves.
Taking the time to organise... your time is also necessary. There are four compulsory meetings at Base Design. Firstly, on Monday mornings, we spend half an hour setting ourselves challenges. Remaining calm can be a challenge. We practise inclusion for two hours on Wednesday mornings, when everyone explains how they feel and why; this also leads to greater mutual understanding. To further enhance team spirit, they eat together on Thursday lunchtimes and take it in turns to cook (even if there are no great chefs among them). Finally, on Friday afternoons they have a debriefing on the week. They can explain why they have not achieved their objectives - too ambitious and not enough time are possible valid reasons. This makes it easier to set the next objectives.
Apart from that, everyone manages their time however they want and if they want to sell waffles on a Tuesday, they are free to do so. The result? Much greater calm, more objectives achieved and a real team spirit. Fewer emails and more beer. Better: by having values, you will attract clients who respect and share them. Never again will you think your clients are a bunch of %@&#*. Unthinkable?
Even if it cannot be applied in the same way in all agencies, this example can be a source of inspiration!