Present among the 400-person Belgian delegation in Qatar along with other business leaders and Princess Astrid, Eonix is enjoying a run of good news. Engaged in the acquisition and management of mass data, the company offers applications that are specific to the needs of its clients in different fields. Having moved into new premises on the Initialis Park in Mons a few months ago, it will soon expand its business in the Gulf States.
"We offer a management tool that will send invoices, reminders and SMS messages and handle legal proceedings and payments by instalments", explained Aloys du Bois d’Aische, who founded the company with Bruno Juste. The Mons-based company's solution can be used to manage invoices internally with just one person and the use of such a system is becoming very interesting when managing tens of thousands of invoices over several months.
Aloys du Bois d’Aische continued: "If a hospital offers 5,000 patients the option to spread payments over ten monthly instalments, just imagine the number of invoices to be checked every month.
It would be extremely complicated but our platform could help manage the situation while doing more to recover the money."
This system is paving the way for many other applications. For example, it will be possible to invite all women in a specific region aged between 50 and 70 to take part in a breast cancer screening programme. In 2014, in Guinea, the tool developed by the Mons-based company helped the laboratories responsible for diagnosing the Ebola virus.
During the mission in Qatar, Eonix - supported by AWEX - was able to make contact with a Belgian company already based in this Middle Eastern emirate. "We'll be able to work with them regarding anything related to radiology. We also met the country's health authorities and there are clearly things to be done in terms of data management for cancer-related matters. This mission was very promising for us."
The company's directors are already planning future missions in the region where initial contacts have proved encouraging. Created in 2007 by two Tournai residents, Eonix (a UCL spin-off) currently employs twelve people. The company hopes to increase its headcount to 15 by the end of the year.
- See more at: http://www.wallonia.be/en/node/789#sthash.E6IonCX6.dpuf
Present among the 400-person Belgian delegation in Qatar along with other business leaders and Princess Astrid, Eonix is enjoying a run of good news. Engaged in the acquisition and management of mass data, the company offers applications that are specific to the needs of its clients in different fields. Having moved into new premises on the Initialis Park in Mons a few months ago, it will soon expand its business in the Gulf States.
"We offer a management tool that will send invoices, reminders and SMS messages and handle legal proceedings and payments by instalments", explained Aloys du Bois d’Aische, who founded the company with Bruno Juste. The Mons-based company's solution can be used to manage invoices internally with just one person and the use of such a system is becoming very interesting when managing tens of thousands of invoices over several months.
Aloys du Bois d’Aische continued: "If a hospital offers 5,000 patients the option to spread payments over ten monthly instalments, just imagine the number of invoices to be checked every month.
It would be extremely complicated but our platform could help manage the situation while doing more to recover the money."
This system is paving the way for many other applications. For example, it will be possible to invite all women in a specific region aged between 50 and 70 to take part in a breast cancer screening programme. In 2014, in Guinea, the tool developed by the Mons-based company helped the laboratories responsible for diagnosing the Ebola virus.
During the mission in Qatar, Eonix - supported by AWEX - was able to make contact with a Belgian company already based in this Middle Eastern emirate. "We'll be able to work with them regarding anything related to radiology. We also met the country's health authorities and there are clearly things to be done in terms of data management for cancer-related matters. This mission was very promising for us."
The company's directors are already planning future missions in the region where initial contacts have proved encouraging. Created in 2007 by two Tournai residents, Eonix (a UCL spin-off) currently employs twelve people. The company hopes to increase its headcount to 15 by the end of the year.
- See more at: http://www.wallonia.be/en/node/789#sthash.E6IonCX6.dpuf
Present among the 400-person Belgian delegation in Qatar along with other business leaders and Princess Astrid, Eonix is enjoying a run of good news. Engaged in the acquisition and management of mass data, the company offers applications that are specific to the needs of its clients in different fields. Having moved into new premises on the Initialis Park in Mons a few months ago, it will soon expand its business in the Gulf States.
"We offer a management tool that will send invoices, reminders and SMS messages and handle legal proceedings and payments by instalments", explained Aloys du Bois d’Aische, who founded the company with Bruno Juste. The Mons-based company's solution can be used to manage invoices internally with just one person and the use of such a system is becoming very interesting when managing tens of thousands of invoices over several months.
Aloys du Bois d’Aische continued: "If a hospital offers 5,000 patients the option to spread payments over ten monthly instalments, just imagine the number of invoices to be checked every month.
It would be extremely complicated but our platform could help manage the situation while doing more to recover the money."
This system is paving the way for many other applications. For example, it will be possible to invite all women in a specific region aged between 50 and 70 to take part in a breast cancer screening programme. In 2014, in Guinea, the tool developed by the Mons-based company helped the laboratories responsible for diagnosing the Ebola virus.
During the mission in Qatar, Eonix - supported by AWEX - was able to make contact with a Belgian company already based in this Middle Eastern emirate. "We'll be able to work with them regarding anything related to radiology. We also met the country's health authorities and there are clearly things to be done in terms of data management for cancer-related matters. This mission was very promising for us."
The company's directors are already planning future missions in the region where initial contacts have proved encouraging. Created in 2007 by two Tournai residents, Eonix (a UCL spin-off) currently employs twelve people. The company hopes to increase its headcount to 15 by the end of the year.
- See more at: http://www.wallonia.be/en/node/789#sthash.E6IonCX6.dpuf
Present among the 400-person Belgian delegation in Qatar along with other business leaders and Princess Astrid, Eonix is enjoying a run of good news. Engaged in the acquisition and management of mass data, the company offers applications that are specific to the needs of its clients in different fields. Having moved into new premises on the Initialis Park in Mons a few months ago, it will soon expand its business in the Gulf States.
"We offer a management tool that will send invoices, reminders and SMS messages and handle legal proceedings and payments by instalments", explained Aloys du Bois d’Aische, who founded the company with Bruno Juste. The Mons-based company's solution can be used to manage invoices internally with just one person and the use of such a system is becoming very interesting when managing tens of thousands of invoices over several months.
Aloys du Bois d’Aische continued: "If a hospital offers 5,000 patients the option to spread payments over ten monthly instalments, just imagine the number of invoices to be checked every month.
It would be extremely complicated but our platform could help manage the situation while doing more to recover the money."
This system is paving the way for many other applications. For example, it will be possible to invite all women in a specific region aged between 50 and 70 to take part in a breast cancer screening programme. In 2014, in Guinea, the tool developed by the Mons-based company helped the laboratories responsible for diagnosing the Ebola virus.
During the mission in Qatar, Eonix - supported by AWEX - was able to make contact with a Belgian company already based in this Middle Eastern emirate. "We'll be able to work with them regarding anything related to radiology. We also met the country's health authorities and there are clearly things to be done in terms of data management for cancer-related matters. This mission was very promising for us."
The company's directors are already planning future missions in the region where initial contacts have proved encouraging. Created in 2007 by two Tournai residents, Eonix (a UCL spin-off) currently employs twelve people. The company hopes to increase its headcount to 15 by the end of the year.