At just 28 years old, Maxime Jacquet, the "bad boy of design" is a true self-made man. Dynamic and determined, he has always known where he wanted to go and how to get there, without ever having studied. Today, the Liege-born designer owns several companies and can count on his family to help keep him grounded. His secret: work and more work!
Maxime Jacquet was born on 12 September 1988 near Liege. From a very young age, he was interested in interior decoration and design. With the unconditional support of his parents, he decided to go to Los Angeles, the city of all temptations. In 2010, in Los Angeles, he worked with the French designer Philippe Puron. Maxime Jacquet has made a name for himself by proposing an original, luxury look which blends a range of styles with particular affection for the codes of haute couture and pop style. He was quick to please the American elite for whom he has become a sort of 'designer-idol'. He loves the media and has appeared on several TV shows, particularly on NBC and CBS. His projects are particularly varied, whether in Los Angeles, Beverley Hills or Dubai.
But do not count on Maxime to surround himself with anything unnecessary, this young man keeps his feet firmly on the ground and has no time for frivolity. He is said to work an average of 20 hours a day and to be very close to his family who help him to keep things relatively simple. Indeed, relatively, since at the age of just 28 he already owns several companies and was named Designer of the Year in China. His dream is to build a brand like Chanel or Vuitton and find artists who can repeat the codes that have made him famous. Codes as simple as him: contrasts, black and white, a neutral pallet to allow the colours to explode. Maxime loves to surprise and that's what pleases his clients, whose names he never mentions in any language.
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