Several dozen spin-offs are going to be created within the next five years by Belgian universities according to an investigation led by law firm NautaDutilh.
Each of the ten Belgian universities intends to create up to five spin-offs by the end of next year. Most of these spin-offs will be active in the ICT industry (information and communication technology). Why this industry? NautaDutilh believes that these ICT projects are simpler to launch on the market and that researchers from ICT-focussed departments are more enthusiastic about the idea of commercialising the products they have researched.
In addition to the ICT industry, the biotech, diagnostics and medical equipment industries are also involved. However, this year no universities are planning to launch spin-offs in the energy or cleantech industries due to a lack of economic security, again according to NautaDutilh.
According to L'ECHO - 11/12/2013
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