By the end of 2018, 145 young people in the 1st cycle of apprenticeship training had completed theoretical and practical training in four TVET schools, as part of the Workplace Learning Support Programme in Rwanda.
In early February 2019 they started practical work placements in companies. Monitoring visits were conducted between 19 and 22 March 2019 by the training monitoring committees made up of representatives from business associations and chambers of commerce, TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) schools, parent associations and APEFE staff.
The main objective of these visits was to measure progress of the in-house training, and to learn about and document the situation in order to address urgent issues and develop an evidence-based apprenticeship training strategy.
On 16 April 2019, strategic and implementing partners came together for the presentation of the monitoring visits report. This meeting was an opportunity for stakeholders to reflect on their roles and responsibilities in following-up on the challenges identified.
It is expected that participants’ inputs and recommendations will guide lasting partnerships between training providers and the private sector in implementing apprenticeship training, as well as in the process of institutionalising apprenticeship training in Rwanda.
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