The GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) group is going to sign a huge global agreement with the Swiss pharmaceutical firm Novartis. This transaction involves three sectors: consumer healthcare products, oncology and vaccines.
GSK and Novartis are going to combine their respective consumer healthcare products within a new joint venture. The terms of the agreement, which should be finalised during the first half-year of 2015, also specifies that GSK is transferring its oncology branch to Novartis but is acquiring all of the Swiss group's vaccines' division (excluding the flu vaccine).
This acquisition reinforces GSK's position as the worldwide leader in vaccinology, the main activity of which is based in Wallonia. GSK employs 8,500 people at its sites in Wavre, Rixensart and Gembloux. And, it is in Wallonia that the pharmaceutical group has chosen to base its worldwide centre for research and development activities and vaccine production.
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